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时间:2024-08-21 09:23:49


The Lake is a salt lake in the . in , Lake is a white jade lake in the Hani and Yi of . It is one of the . It is for its clear water, green and dense of the lake.

The water of Lake is green like jade, a gem-like . This is the lake water is rich in , among which the of is . The of these makes the lake water green under the , an . of this, Lake is known as the " Lake".

Jade has long been as a local star in the world in the . It is a with high and dense , and its and make it among and . Jade has a long and . In times, it was as a lucky stone. It has both value and charm.

Lake has a key base for the jade due to its . The water and soil here play a role in the and of jade. The spots Lake have a chain, with in the , and sales of jade. can see the of jade here, and also get with the and of jade in .

At Lake, can enjoy a rich of jade . it is raw , , or , you can find your . In the by the lake, there are a wide of goods, every 's . you are for a jade or an piece of for or a , needs can be met here.

In to at Lake, Lake also more and . You can to take a on the lake and enjoy the of the the lake; you can also to hike and climb the the lake to feel the power and of . There are also rich and folk and for your .

At Lake, a check-in spot, we can not only the of the lake, but also the charm of jade . This place and jade , a stage for the . it is a in jade or a , Lake is a not to be . Let us this and place and feel the charm of jade!




We need to make it clear that in and of jade does not mean that they have in-depth and of the jade . Many just see the high value and of jade in the , and use it as a or label to show . Some just chase the and trend of jade, and have no real of the and of jade.

Jade is a gem that and . Its value is to such as its color, , and . , a photo or video alone judge the and of jade. When of jade by , we need to a and not it just the it.

When to buy and jade, we rely on the of jade or jade . They can judge the and of jade by and the color, , , , and other of jade, and can lotus about the , and value of jade. Only and can we truly with and the of jade.

in and of jade is just a in the jade and does not the true of the . We a and and jade and to avoid to the jade and our own .


jade check-in spots have risen in the jade in years, and have the of jade the world with their and . Below we will some of the jade check-in spots and you with and .

1. Area: in the north, Area is one of the jade areas, for its fine and . In the area, you can visit the jade mine, get with the and of jade, and the charm of jade in .

2. Aima Mine: in the north, Aima Mine is also one of the areas and is for its high- . The here has a of , from green to deep green.

3. Jade : There are many jade , the most of which are the in and the Jade in . These jade and from all over the , where you can find white jade and of and .

4. Jade Gem : In , there are many jade gem to visit, which the Hefei and of jade. Here you can the mine of jade and get with and color .


It is one of the most jade areas in the world, with rich jade and . you are a jade lover or a , you can find a jade check-in spot that suits you. I hope the above can help you, and I wish you a !


Black jade is a kind of jade that has the of the and . It can often be seen at the check-in spots. Black jade is a black jade. Its color and make it a gem for many . In the , black jade is used to make , such as , , , etc. The and of black jade have and their of and .

The raw of black jade are in . of its and , this has an for black jade. black jade is for its and rich .


Yuhu Area is a well-known spot in the of . It is for its and jade . The is a guide to Yuhu Area for your :

1. Visit the Jade : There is a in the Yuhu Area that jade and . Here, you can get with the and of jade and a of jade . You can also watch the blue skill of jade and the charm of the -year-old .

2. Enjoy the : The in Yuhu Area is very , with and , and shady trees. You can take a along the lake to enjoy the clear water of Chaka Salt Lake, the blue sky and white , and the lush . In , you can hike up the , climb to the top, and the of the area.

3. in jade : In Yuhu Area, you can in jade , such as jade , jade , etc. By in these , you can not only the of in , but also with the of jade art.

4. Try the local : There are many local to taste Yuhu Area, such as pot , roast goose, ice cream, etc. These foods are and worth a try.

5. Buy and jade : As a well-known , there are many in Yuhu Area where you can buy all kinds of high- jade . it is a jade , jade or jade , you can find the that suits you here.



2. the : While the , pay to the , do not , and keep the area clean. Love and work .

3. Pay to : Yuhu Area is in a humid , with hot and rainy and cold and foggy . here need to their trips and pay to the and .


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